
I’m a full professor of political economy at the European Univerity Institute, currently on leave from Bocconi University. My research interests encompass political economy, applied econometrics, comparative politics, labor and social policy. I’ve published in top-tier journals such as the American Economic Review, the American Political Science Review, and the American Journal of Political Science, among many others. In 2014, I received a Consolidator ERC grant for the project: “Political Mind: Understanding Politicians’ and Voters’ Behavior.”


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Scientific publications

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Journal of Comparative Economics

Historical Roots of Political Extremism: The Effects of Nazi Occupation of Italy

The Italian civil war and the Nazi occupation of Italy occurred at a critical juncture, just before the birth of a new democracy and when, for the first time in a generation, Italians were choosing political affliations and forming political identities. In this paper we study how these traumatic events …
Joint with Nicola Fontana and Guido Tabellini

American Journal of Political Science

Positive Spillovers from Negative Campaigning

We study the effect of negative advertising in electoral races with more than two candidates with a large scale field experiment.
Joint with Vincenzo Galasso and Salvatore Nunnari

Data & experiments

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Persuasive communication: Men and women react differently

The perceived tone of a product or political advertisement affects public response – even holding constant the content of the message. This column provides evidence that men and women react differently to positive and negative tones in electoral advertisements. Negative advertising increases voter turnout among men but not women; positive …
Tommaso Nannicini, Vincenzo Galasso


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Other publications

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Genitori alla pari. Tempo, lavoro, libertà

Da pochi giorni è uscito in libreria il mio libro con Alessandra Minello edito da Feltrinelli “Genitori alla pari. Tempo, lavoro, libertà”. A questo link è possibile ordinarlo. Ogni anno una madre lavoratrice, rispetto a un padre lavoratore, passa due mesi in più a prendersi cura della famiglia, mentre lui …


Salari e contrattazione decentrata eng

Se vogliamo superare i blocchi, sia delle rendite relative alle organizzazioni sindacali che del legittimo timore di avventurarsi in un territorio che riduce il potere contrattuale di chi rappresenta i lavoratori, occorre un modello che faccia leva su esempi virtuosi di contrattazione territoriale.
Nord e Sud. Divari Territoriali, contrattazione e salari